Increase your skills by improving your learning capacity using Neur0ptimal® Dynamic Neurofeedback
Anne-Marie ECOT
Hypnotherapist in Nantes
Smoking cessation – Self-confidence – Phobias – Sleep – Stress management – Learning disability
A method of optimizing the learning and well-being of the child.
By allowing his brain to function in an optimized way by natural methods, your child will be able to improve their adaptations :
Increase your skills by improving your learning capacity using Neur0ptimal® Dynamic Neurofeedback
Whether it is to recognize words more easily, memorize them better, improve attention span, of concentration, understanding the instructions, coordination
Feel calmer, happier, in the pleasure of learning
Better manage your emotions through hypnosis
-Improve his self-esteem by modifying his own perception of himself in a more optimal way,
-Increase his self-confidence : take more responsibility by better managing their difficulties, gain a sense of greater control, take more insurance
-Reduce stress, his anxiety
-Improve your sleep
This complementarity associated, your child will then be able to maintain a normal education, feel better in your emotions, more confident in the future, orient themselves towards the studies of their choice, socially evolve more lightly, to feel integrated, open up to a more fulfilling professional and personal future.
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