Cabinet BKonseil, social psychologist near you in Caen
Individual or group psychology consultations in Caen
Looking for a social psychologist ? Contact the psychology firm Bkonseil, social psychologist in Caen dans le département du Calvados (14). Our psychologist Karin Bouin has been present for 2010 at 10 minutes from downtown and the Caen ring road for consultations by appointment in psychology.
Karin Bouin, psychologist, supports you in the following situations :
■ L’affirmation de soi
- The stress, the anxieties, le burn out
■ Management of aggressive behavior and conflicts
■ Preparation for oral exams
■ Public speaking
■ Support for personal and / or professional changes.
She has since graduated 2009 as a social psychologist with a clientele of adults and adolescents.
Be accompanied !
Assertiveness with the help of the psychology practice Karin Bouin
You want to get out of a conflict, vous affirmer aux autres, achieve a personal or professional change. Le cabinet de psychologie Bkonseil reste à votre écoute pour des behavioral therapies.
The strengths of the psychology firm Bkonseil in Caen
Active listening
Small steps method
Communication techniques
Relaxology exercises
Discover the activities of your social psychologist Karin Bouin in Caen
Self affirmation
Lack of self-confidence, shyness, prevent us from daring to do what we would like to do and achieve our dreams.
Develop confidence
Aggression and conflict
Protecting yourself from the aggressiveness expressed by people around you requires taking a step back.
Aggressive behavior
Managing stress and emotions
This is a normal physiological and psychological reaction to stress on our environment.
Channel stress