Dr Manuela BARLA JOURNÉ, orthopedic surgeon and traumatologist in Rouen.

Institute of Orthopedic Surgery & Sportswoman from Normandy



  • Shoulder Surgery : rotator cuff ; arthrosis (prosthesis) ; instability
  • Ankle Surgery : instability/sprains (ligamentoplastie, ligament repair) ; ankle osteoarthritis
  • Tendinopathies d’Achille
  • Ankle tendinopathy (fibular, flexor hallucis, posterior tibialis)
  • Foot Surgery : forefoot (hallux valgus, Stiff hallux, Morton's nephroma, claws) ; hindfoot (subtalar osteoarthritis, trigonal bone, Haglund, flat foot, hollow foot)
  • Athlete trauma



  • Première consultation : 50 at 65€
  • Consultation de suivi : 30 at 45€
  • The doctor. BARLA-JOURNÉ is authorized by agreement with Social Security (Sector 2), to charge free fees. These fees depend on the type of intervention, and are not fully reimbursed by social security. A quote will be established before any surgical intervention.


  • Clinique de l’Europe – Rouen : since 2019
  • Chef de clinique assistant au CHRU de Nancy : 2016-2018
  • Internat de chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologique au CHRU de Nancy : 2010-2016
  • Faculté de médecine de Tours : 2003-2010



  • 2018 : Inter-university Diploma in Foot and Ankle Surgery – Faculty of Medicine of Nancy
  • 2017 : Inter-university Diploma in Arthroscopy – Faculty of Medicine of Nancy
  • 2016 : Diploma of Specialized Studies in Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery – Faculty of Medicine of Nancy
  • 2015 : Diploma of Specialized Studies in General Surgery – Faculty of Medicine of Nancy
  • 2015 : Medical Thesis – Faculty of Medicine of Nancy
  • 2014 : Inter-university Diploma in Shoulder and Elbow Pathology 2013-2014 – Faculty of Medicine of Strasbourg



  • Member of SOFCOT
  • SFA Membership
  • Member of the AFCP





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