HELLIX-IR Aerial Shot Hauts de France
is a company located in the Lille region, specializing in atypical shooting, including artistic and technical aerial photography (photo and video) à l’aide de drones et également des photosphères/virtual tours aériennes et terrestres.
We mainly address companies and institutions, even if we do not exclude the individual.
Our main services
The range of our services is very wide since we ensure the qualification of missions, the shots, the complete realization and post-production of our products.
Nous opérons dans des espaces allant du niveau du sol jusqu’à 150 meters de hauteur et à une distance pouvant aller jusqu’à 100 meters de l’opérateur (voire 200 meters en scénario S3). These spaces provide shooting angle possibilities that give perspective, an original and sometimes surprising vision.
#drone # photogrammetry # surveyors #topographers #architects # archaeologists #btp
#videodrone #photodrone #prisedevuaerienne #drone #dronehautsdefrance #videodronehautsdefrance #photodronehautsdefrance #