HIBISCUS SLOW LIFE Access Bars à Paris 17
Access bars in Paris 17
By activating 32 points, located on either side of the skull, the Access Bars method, inaugurated by Gary Douglas in the United States (at the end of the 20th century), allows you to delete, like in a computer, all the obsolete programs of the individual.
The bars
Chaque bar du cerveau vibre à une fréquence différente : some are hyperfunctioning, others in hypofunction…
The harmonization of these bars will regulate the primordial movement of the brain and restore fluidity to the energetic spheres of the being.
The primordial movement is a universal movement, imprinted in all things on earth, in our cells, our organs, notre Galaxie jusqu’aux étoiles elles-mêmes.
Over the sessions, la personne va prendre conscience de toutes ces ” vieilles casseroles ” that clutter up his life and get rid of it, s’en libérer !!!
The individual is no longer a sponge, absorbing all information from others, va pouvoir trouver son identité propre, the deep meaning of his life !
« 90% of your thoughts do not belong to you ”.
The Access Bars method is effective for :
- Decrease stress, anxiety.
- Deprogram old memories, traumas, outdated behavioral and family patterns.
- Calm obsessive thoughts that keep on looping.
- Disengage from the judgment of others and oneself.
- Free yourself from beliefs, thoughts, feelings that poison life.
- To acquire, through this awakening process, new self-awareness.
- Déverrouiller certains domaines de sa vie.
- Change the context of your life positively.
Cette séance « slow life » est particulièrement agréable à recevoir et for everyone.
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