Hypnosis Stress Management in Amiens
You are stressed, depressed …
Many daily ailments are caused by stress. It is because of this stress that you see life in black and do not recover. And it is again because of this same stress that you have compulsive urges to eat or smoke.
Why are we more and more stressed ?
A world that goes fast, agressif et bruyant
Un manque de communication naturelle entre les gens
Trop de travail dans un temps restreint
Temps de travail trop tendu
Trop grande multiplicité des tâches à mener de front
Rémunération insatisfaisante
Manque de reconnaissance
Nécessite d’une adaptation permanente
Situations de tensions et de conflits
Soutien insuffisant de la hiérarchie
Selon un sondage du réseau Anact et de l’institut CSA, stress affects nowadays 4 employees on 10 all professional categories included (the rate goes up to 57 % among senior executives). Among them, 60 % attribute this state exclusively to their professional experience.
Symptoms ?
Significant fatigue (60%)
Muscle tension (45%)
Sleep disturbances (44%)
A difficult disconnection once at home (42%)
Anxiety (42%)
Irritability (35%)
76 % of employees draw resources from personal activities.
In practice …
From the first session, hypnosis allows you to feel an inner calm and to face victoriously the situations which until then dominated you, while remaining serene and relaxed.
By freeing you from stress, we allow you to easily and safely evacuate the tensions of everyday life and overcome this modern scourge that ruins your life. You will discover in yourself a “Safe Haven” that you didn't even know existed.
The little worries of life will slip away without ever reaching the calm of your inner serenity.
Your hypnotherapist will offer you hypnosis sessions to support you in the changes you want to put in place.