Humanist hypnosis in Dijon with Elisabeth MALACLET-SIRDEY
What is Humanist Hypnosis ?
“Change in consciousness”
Humanist hypnosis helps the person to dive into the heart of themselves. It is a technique that allows you to work on the person as a whole, both emotionally / physiological / structural and possibly spiritual ( soul and conscience), so she stays in her EVERYTHING, in opening of consciousness.
La personne garde le contrôle sans dissociation de l’Inconscient et de l’esprit Conscient, elle reste autonome durant toute la séance.
L’Hypnose Humaniste was created by Olivier Lockert and Patricia D’Angeli (through Advanced Symbolic Therapy, TSA) dans les années 2000. Version moderne du travail en Conscience dont l’origine remonte sur une histoire de la philosophie de l’antiquité à notre ère moderne et intègre le regard nouveau sur le monde soutenu par les apports de la physique quantique. This hypnotherapy, d'inspiration Jungienne, est basée sur une approche symbolique. On parle de “TSA” through hypnosis, and allows deep transformations (and therefore sustainable) on the identity of the person.
Humanist hypnosis opens the person to this world and puts them in contact not only inside them, but with All Life. In session, the person is Unified, elle est en expansion, openness to others, she remains conscious, she is connected and in personal control of her global being; Her body is relaxed, heaviness felt, global exploration, développe son intuition et perceptions extrasensorielles ( intuitive, hors canaux sensoriels ).
Technically, l’induction de l’Hypnose Humaniste est exactement à l’opposé de celle que l’on connait dans les autres formes d’Hypnose, and it's not a language effect : nous procédons aux mêmes étapes d’inductions, but all the other way around ! for example, the trance exit structure (wake up) d’une induction hypnotique ordinaire, corresponds to the phase of entry into hypnotic trance in Humanist hypnosis (awakening) : the person rises in a trance.
Humanist Hypnosis is a true philosophy of life.
Elle respecte les trois strates de la personne: Corps / Emotions / Mental.
Elle n’a pas de frontière ou de barrière, of religious segregation, cultural or scientific.
Humanist Hypnosis awakens the person by applying the increased Consciousness.
Elisabeth MALACLET-SIRDEY – Hypnothérapeute & Kinesiologist – Hypnosis – Smoking cessation – Weightloss – Self-confidence – Depression – Sleep – Stress – Phobias – Dijon
Medical point, Roundabout of the Nation
21000 Dijon
Tel: 06 75 35 90 45
#hypnoseDijon #hypnotherapeute