Pierre Styblinski Welcomes You to the Psychology and Psychotherapy Center in Poitiers

Psychology and psychotherapy center in Poitiers

128 Avenue Liberation 86000 Poitiers

Pierre Styblinski – Clinical psychologist – Psychoanalyst – Adults
Psychotherapist – Supervision

Addictions – Anxiety – Depression – Self esteem


Clinical psychologist, I receive adults, children and adolescents in an environment conducive to listening and confidentiality.
According to your needs, I suggest you :


- individual therapy to support you in your personal and professional difficulties ;
- therapy for children and adolescents ;
- une thérapie et une médiation de couple et familiale ;
- des séances de coaching

Each person is unique, his difficulties too. During the first session, together we will build the path that suits you !

Psychologist graduated from the University of Poitiers, trained in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy, I am also an NLP practitioner and coach.
I also have experience in group therapy and psychodrama.

Practicing in practice for several years, j’ai également accompagné :
- des jeunes, des adultes et des personnes en milieu hospitalier ;
- des personnes âgées en EHPAD ;
- des personnes souffrant d’obésité en établissement spécialisé.
In addition to my activity as a psychologist in practice, I teach psychology (clinical interview methodology) at the University of Poitiers.
Finally, I have been supporting professional and therapeutic groups for many years.

First engineer in development economics, my professional and personal experiences led me to subsequently undertake coaching training, then psychologist.
I am currently pursuing interdisciplinary and international research work on intolerance and exclusion (Racism, Sexism, homophobia ...) as part of a thesis at the University of Poitiers.


Pierre Styblinski, psychologist and psychotherapist in Poitiers 128 liberation avenue 86000 Poitiers

Phone : +33 6 50 31 20 03


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