Why choose HELLIX-IR ?
The strengths of our solutions : Le drone.Parce que vous recherchez professionals diplômés, certified, experienced in project management, approved by civil aviation (DGAC), and who have a passion for their profession.’unusual images, very high quality photos and videos with viewing angles inaccessible by conventional means and post-production processing to improve rendering, full movie making (montage, sound system, subtitles, Voice off, …).Pour sa speed of deployment and execution : our interventions are prepared and have been the subject of a preliminary identification which notably made it possible to define the take-off area, security zones. otherwise, la préparation du matériel sur site ne demande que quelques minutes.Pour l’aspect ecological, our equipment works on batteries, do not emit greenhouse gases, minimisent les nuisances sonores et respectent l’environnement.Sur un plan economic, among all known means (ULM, plane, helicopter, …), le drone est la solution la plus avantageuse sur un plan budgétaire.Car le proximity flight offre des possibilités de prises de vues à l’intérieur comme à l’extérieur des bâtiments sous un plafond de 150 mètres.Pour garantir la security of goods, people and animals, our equipment is very light and equipped with protection systems.
#drone # photogrammetry # surveyors #topographers #architects # archaeologists #btp
Contact : 03 20 47 63 51
#videodrone #photodrone #prisedevuaerienne #drone #dronehautsdefrance #videodronehautsdefrance #photodronehautsdefrance #