Prisca Bataille Clinical psychologist, hypnotherapist Medical office Center Via Sana 76 Rue Aristide Briand 92300 Levallois-Perret

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Doctor's office

Centre Via Sana

76 Rue Aristide Briand

92300 Levallois-Perret

Phone :



Hypnosis, what's this ?


We hear a lot of beliefs around hypnosis “you will lose control”, “we will manipulate you”. These are popular beliefs that are totally wrong.

Ericksonian hypnosis is nothing more than a very natural and mundane phenomenon. Without knowing, you experience it every day, a moment of inattention that takes you off in your daydreams, immersion in a book, a film that captivates you, driving while thinking of something else etc…hypnosis, it’s just that. C’est vous connecter avec ce qui se passe à l’intérieur de vous et c’est même fort agréable !

You are therefore very far from losing control, this is not show hypnosis. Ericksonian hypnosis simply allows you to let go and be in contact with your subconscious. As soon as your attention moves outside of the present moment, you are in a state of hypnosis.

Milton Erickson, the founder of Ericksonian hypnosis conceives of the unconscious as a “light tank”, a part of us that asks only to cooperate. He is in a way the repository of all our internal resources, of all our learning, with all our positive forces capable of blowing us solutions to solve all our problems.

Pourquoi une thérapie par l’hypnose ?

Pourquoi une thérapie par l’hypnose ?

Parce que votre inconscient est votre meilleur allié pour résoudre quoi que ce soit que vous ayez à résoudre. It is this reservoir filled with your resources. He knows what's good for you and what you need to get better. You just have to ask him to go and look through your resources for what is necessary for you to remove your blockages.

Hypnosis is a great adventure. It is wonderful to know that you can tap into your resources, inside of oneself, dans tout ce que l’on a appris de nos expériences passées pour dépasser ses difficultés et avoir ainsi une vie plus harmonieuse.

Who is hypnosis for? ?

A toute personne désireuse de résoudre des difficultés en une, two or three sessions.

Capture d’écran 2020-12-06 à 21.05.46.

Pour quel type de problème ?

  • Managing emotions

  • Trauma

  • Stress, anxiety, anguish

  • Food problems

  • Problèmes de comportement : mauvaises habitudes, bite one's nails, Pull out hair, procrastiner

  • Smoking cessation

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Prisca Battle

Clinical psychologist, hypnothérapeute

Doctor's office

Centre Via Sana

76 Rue Aristide Briand

92300 Levallois-Perret

Phone :

N ° Adeli : 759338635






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