Prisca Bataille Clinical Psychologist, Hypnotherapist Levallois Perret.

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Brief therapy

Brief therapy, what's this ?narrow-road-green-grassy-field-surrounde

It is a pragmatic approach centered on the current problem of the person and which aims to bring rapid results, concrete and sustainable.

courage-man-jump-through-the-gap-betweenWhy this therapy ?

Because it will allow you to find a harmonious balance in your life in a relatively short period of time. 10 sessions on average will suffice to remove a problem.

When we are faced with a difficulty, we do not always have the necessary perspective to find the right solutions. My professional outlook will allow you to take a step back from your problem and find solutions adapted to it..

In order to continue the work outside the sessions, I might ask you to observe certain situations, to think about certain things or to start to act differently in relation to your lifestyle which may, without realizing it, maintain your difficulties. Acting differently or seeing things from another angle allows you to readjust a way of doing or being that was functional at a given time in your life but which is no longer so today and which is the source of your difficulties.

Who is this therapy for? ?

To anyone wishing to be supported at a given moment in their life to move forward more serenely thanks to the gaze of abeautiful-shot-big-green-leafed-trees-gr thérapeute bienveillant et à l’écoute qui saura vous donner les clés nécessaires et adaptées à votre situation.

Pour quel type de problème ?

  • Personal problems : anxiety, panic attack, depressive states, self-confidence problem, self-esteem, trauma, procrastination, relationship difficulties, managing emotions, mourning, separations, HPI, HPE. .

  • Couple problems : regular conflicts, bad communication, difficulty in engaging, difficult separation, divergent life choices.

  • Parent-child relationship difficulties, parents-adolescents.

  • Professional difficulties : overwork, burn-out, difficulty making a binding decision, bullying, fear of failure, motivation problem.

  • School difficulties : learning problems, motivation, d’orientation, loss of trustworthy, bullying, anxiety.


Prisca Battle

Clinical psychologist, hypnothérapeute

Doctor's office

Centre Via Sana

76 Rue Aristide Briand

92300 Levallois-Perret

Phone :

N ° Adeli : 759338635



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