Individual therapy psychologist Paris 15
Lucie PERIFEL Psychologist
Therapy – Child – Adult – Perinatal – Individual therapy – Paris 15
Individual therapy psychologist Paris 15
As an analytical clinical psychologist, I offer you individual therapies of analytical orientation in order to better understand you, get to know you and overcome the difficulties you encounter. But why have this analytical orientation ? Because only the patient knows deep down what hinders him in his full realization and in his happiness. Indeed, each individual is unique and it's built in their own way. We cannot, as a human being, be compared to a machine and have a user manual that works directly. So, we cannot have a ready-made solution and bring it directly to the patient. It will be a joint effort to find what is preventing the full realization of one's being.. On the one hand, the patient expresses in his words what he feels, what he saw. The other, the therapist (who has been trained in how humans work and in detecting what can stand in the way and hinder their development) will guide the patient on what may be at the origin of his difficulties, to help him untie the knots in the nets that trap him and free him.
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