Maître Sandra Pulvirenti Lawyer in Toulon
Master Sandra Pulvirenti
Lawyer at the Toulon Bar
59 Avenue Maréchal FOCH – 11st floor ( next to the Palais de Justice) – PLACE D'ARMES and LIBERTE car park
83000 TOULON
Accueil téléphonique du cabinet : 04 81 68 11 87, Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Sandra Pulvirenti : 06 24 07 65 89 –
General lawyer de formation, Master Pulvirenti exerce au sein d’un cabinet individuel à Toulon dans le Var (83).
For more than 15 years, Master Pulvirenti favors a close relationship, listening and trusting with its customers, en mettant à leur disposition sa skill et son experience dans de nombreux domaines du droit.
Master Pulvirenti advises you, assist you, represents you in court and defends your interests before the courts associated with the Toulon Bar (High Court, Tribunal d’Instance, Family Affairs Judge, Children's court, Labour Court) as well as before the Aix-en-Provence Court of Appeal. If necessary, your lawyer may also have to travel to all the courts of France. Le cabinet de votre lawyer Maître Pulvirenti intervient à tous les stades de la prestation juridique, c’est-à-dire de la simple law consultation à la conduct of legal proceedings, en passant par la negotiation.
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