Autogyro flight in Martinique
AERODREAM, Autogyro flight in Martinique
L’autogyre, ce drôle d’oiseau est l’ancêtre de l’hélicoptère… il a été inventé en 1923 by Juan de la Cerva.
The autogyro in which you will be riding meets very strict standards. In 2006, Autogyro obtains its certification in France then in England, where certification is most difficult to obtain, opening up the MTO market globally.
The machine, A MTO sport, is produced by the German manufacturer AUTOGYRO which began its marketing in 2003 and distributed by Fly in Paris. It has become, with over 280 machines sold per year, the world leader in gyroplane.
Its aircraft are used mainly for leisure but also for professional uses (border surveillance, starting fire, beaches (sharks), highway (police), of power lines, of gas pipelines, shooting, thermographic diagnostics, radio relay, etc…). Your machine is equipped with a 100hp Rotax 912S engine and mandatory equipment : canot, vests, radio, transponder, artificial horizon, variomètre.
Venez découvrir la Martinique autrement avec AeroDream !
Central sur la Martinique, l’aéroport Aimé Césaire sera notre point de départ.
Il nous apporte confort, abri et l’assurance de pouvoir voler, même après une grosse période pluvieuse grâce à sa piste de 3km en dur !
Direction aéroport, prendre aviation générale, et nous sommes là :
Nous sommes ouverts toute l’année.
Pour réserver un vol, merci de nous contacter obligatoirement au:
0696 29 85 60
Several circuits are possible :
Circuit Découverte :
15mn environ : (Baie du Lamentin, Pointe du Bout, îlet Ramier)
Circuit Diamant :
30mn environ (Ducos, Le Diamant, le rocher du Diamant)
Circuit François :
30mn environ (Le François, Joséphine's bathtub, les îlets du François)
North Atlantic circuit :
45mn environ (les îlets du Robert, Le Robert, la presqu’île de la Caravelle)
Circuit Atlantique sud :
45mn environ (la côte du François aux Salines, baie du Marin, Céron sud)
Possible sur demande :
Location sans pilote
Travail aérien
Circuit François
Atlantique nord
Circuit Découverte
Circuit Diamant
Atlantique Sud
Les temps de vol sont indicatifs et peuvent varier selon les conditions, à la seule appréciation du pilote et de la tour de contrôle.
A tout de suite : 0696 29 85 60
The autogyro in which you will be riding meets very strict standards. In 2006, Autogyro obtains its certification in France then in England, where certification is most difficult to obtain, opening up the MTO market globally.
The machine, A MTO sport, is produced by the German manufacturer AUTOGYRO which began its marketing in 2003 and distributed by Fly in Paris. It has become, with over 280 machines sold per year, the world leader in gyroplane.
Its aircraft are used mainly for leisure but also for professional uses (border surveillance, starting fire, beaches (sharks), highway (police), of power lines, of gas pipelines, shooting, thermographic diagnostics, radio relay, etc…). Your machine is equipped with a 100hp Rotax 912S engine and mandatory equipment : canot, vests, radio, transponder, artificial horizon, variomètre.
AeroDream invites you to discover Martinique differently, thanks to this new unique machine.
#autogireMartinique #gyrocoptereMartinique #volenautogyre#survoldelamartinique