You are stressed, anguish.. You want to see more clearly? Pierre Styblinski welcomes you to Poitiers.
Pierre Styblinski
Psychology and psychotherapy center in Poitiers
128 Avenue Liberation 86000 Poitiers
You are stressed, anguish,
You want to see more clearly,
You need to be supported during a delicate period,
You want to be helped, find a listening, you express,
You need to evacuate, to understand what is going on inside you,
Pierre Styblinski psychologist and psychotherapist welcomes you to the Poitiers office to help you.
Psychologist graduated from the University of Poitiers, trained in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy, I am also an NLP practitioner and coach.
I also have experience in group therapy and psychodrama.
Practicing in practice for several years, j’ai également accompagné :
des jeunes, des adultes et des personnes en milieu hospitalier ;
des personnes âgées en EHPAD ;
des personnes souffrant d’obésité en établissement spécialisé.
In addition to my activity as a psychologist in practice, I teach psychology (clinical interview methodology) at the University of Poitiers.
Finally, I have been supporting professional and therapeutic groups for many years.
First engineer in development economics, my professional and personal experiences led me to subsequently undertake coaching training, then psychologist.
I am currently pursuing interdisciplinary and international research work on intolerance and exclusion (Racism, Sexism, homophobia ...) as part of a thesis at the University of Poitiers.